Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Trouble Sleeping? Check Your Mattress!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Are you having trouble sleeping? It could be your mattress. If it sags or is more than 8 years old, it may be time for a new mattress.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to Get FREE From Unhealthy Habits? Switch It Up!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

To break yourself free from unhealthy habits or behaviors, switch up your routines.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Natural Body Scrub

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

To make your own natural body scrub, mix -cup Dead Sea salt, -cup ground oats, 1/3 cup warm virgin olive oil and 10 drops of your favorite essential oil.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Achy Feet? Try This!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Are your feet aching? Try a warm footbath with 10 equal sized marbles in the foot tub. Roll your feet over the marbles while they are soaking for a mini-foot massage.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Shower After Exercising? Yes, Definitely!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

After exercise, it is important to shower to remove any toxins that were drawn out of your body through sweating otherwise the toxins will be reabsorbed back in through the skin.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Cancer's Favorite Food in Most Everything Processed?

Pancreatic tumor cells use fructose to divide and proliferate, according to a study that challenges the notion that all sugars are the same.

Tumor cells fed both glucose and fructose used the two sugars in two different ways. This could explain why other studies have previously linked fructose intake with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest cancer types.

According to MSNBC:

"Americans take in large amounts of fructose, mainly in high fructose corn syrup, a mix of fructose and glucose that is used in soft drinks, bread and a range of other foods. Politicians, regulators, health experts and the industry have debated whether high fructose corn syrup and other ingredients have been helping make Americans fatter and less healthy."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to Get Rid of Toxins? Sweat! Sweet!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Sweating is a great way to release toxins. As you heat your body and sweat, you will release toxins through the skin.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Don't Let Your Lymphatic System Stagnate!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

"Letting the lymphatic system become stagnant leads to impaired immunity and a degenerative process because the body is not able to properly cleanse and replenish."
Martin Dayton, M.D., D.O.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rev Up Your Lymphatic System? Here's How!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Rebounding or jumping on a mini-trampoline for a few minutes is one of the best ways to activate your lymphatic system.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Important Lymphatic System Info!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

The lymphatic system does not have a pump like the blood circulatory system so it requires movement in order to function properly.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Is Your Lymphatic System Healthy?

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

A healthy lymphatic system is essential to keep your immune system working properly.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fresh or Processed? Choose the Healthiest--Fresh!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

"Few of us understand how powerful the differences are between fresh food and processed packaged food. One gives you health and life, the other kills."
Frederic T. Vagnini M.D.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Changing From an Unhealthy to a Healthy Lifestyle? Here's How!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Changing from an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. Take 2 minutes to write out the pros and cons to creating a healthy lifestyle. This will remind you why you want to change your lifestyle and the consequences for not changing.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Exercise? Use a Partner!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

A Stanford University study found that people who exercised with their spouses were more likely to be regularly active and less likely to quit than those who tried to exercise without partners.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Got Support? Be Successful With Lifestyle Changes!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Researchers for an Ohio State University study found that people are more likely to stick with healthy lifestyle changes if their friends and family support and encourage them.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hostility Damages Health? Yes, and Impatience and Holding Grudges too!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Did you know research shows that hostility, impatience and holding grudges can damage your heart health? For a healthier heart, find joy through forgiveness, friends and optimism.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Promote Digestion & Assimilation of Nutrients!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

To promote digestion and assimilation of nutrients from your foods, create a peaceful environment and state of mind when eating.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Have Some FUN With Your Food!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Eating healthy nutritious foods can be fun. Experiment with new recipes, try fruits, veggies and whole grains you have never had before and spice up your food with fresh herbs.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Skin Brushing? How to do it!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

To properly brush your skin, select a soft natural bristle brush, rub in a circular motion every inch of your skin, except your face, moving from your extremities towards the center of your body.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Great Skin.....All Over!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

To keep your skin looking great and improve circulation brush your skin for 2 to 3 minutes before you shower with a long handled natural bristle brush.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Easy, Yummy salad!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

To create a tasty, nutrition packed salad, combine 1 head of shredded Kale, 1 cup of fresh chopped tomato,
1 diced avocado, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice, teaspoon cayenne and sea salt to taste. Toss all ingredients together with your hands to create a marinated/wilted effect on the Kale. This is also delicious with spinach.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Deep Greens for Health? Yes!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Kale is packed with nutrients. It is a great source of fiber, protein, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, potassium, copper and manganese.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

A simple stretch to de-stress your spine is place the sole of your right foot on a sturdy chair, place your left hand on your right knee, twist your right shoulder back gently and allow the spine to follow, take a deep breath and turn a bit more. Repeat on the other side.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mom Was Right Again! Chew Your Food!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

"Chewing triggers the production and release of saliva, which then mixes with the food, initiating its digestion, preparing the alkalinity of the stomach, killing germs and lubricating the swallowed food for a smoother transit through the esophagus." Alejandro Junger, MD

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Gratitude? Express it!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Studies indicate that expressing gratitude regularly results in higher reported levels of enthusiasm, alertness, determination, energy and optimism.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Reduce Stress Effectively!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

A simple effective stress reduction technique is to sit comfortably with your eyes closed then momentarily tighten each muscle group one at a time and then relax each muscle group moving from your head down to your toes.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Reset Your Appetite? Yes!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

"Exercise doesn't just burn calories; it resets your appetite, your mood, your sleep cycle and even your ability to handle sugar."
Neal Bernard,MD

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Best Fiber Sources? Here Are Some Ideas!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

The best sources of fiber are beans, vegetables, fruits and whole grains in that order.