Sunday, October 25, 2009

Getting Enough Sleep?

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Reducing your sleep by 1 hours for just one night could reduce your daytime alertness by as much as 32%.

How To Select Root Vegetables?

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

To select root vegetables such as beets, celery roots, carrots, parsley roots, potatoes, parsnips, rutabagas and turnips look for firm uncracked surfaces.

Good Info From Ben Franklin!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

"To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals."
Benjamin Franklin

Don't Just Click It! Tighten It!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

For seat belts to work properly, the belt must not have slack. Retighten safety belts often particularly on long trips.

Eat Your Dark Greens!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

The darker the green leaves, the
more nutritious the lettuce. For
instance, romaine lettuce has six
times more vitamin C and five times
more bet-carotene than iceberg lettuce.

And, spinach has even more!

Get the Most From Your Swim!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

To get the most from swimming, vary your strokes and occasionally use swimming fins and paddles to improve your strength and speed.

Swimming---a Great Workout!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Swimming is a great cardiovascular workout. It works almost all major muscle groups without strain on your joints and ligaments.

Simple Toaster Tip!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

To avoid fire danger, never try to stuff oversized food into a traditional toaster.

Natural Moth Repellent!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Instead of using toxic mothballs,
use cedar chips to repel moths.

Refuse to be Sick

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

"Refuse to be ill. Never tell people you are ill; never own it yourself. Illness is one of those things which man should resist on principle at the onset."
Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Got Roaches? YUK! Easy Deterent!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Bay leaves are a chemical
free way to repel roaches.

Keep Your Young Child Safe!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

An easy way to test if a toy is too small for a young child is to try to put it into a toilet paper roll. If it fits inside the toilet paper roll, then it is not a safe toy for young children.

Better for You and They Taste Better Too!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Instead of boiling fresh vegetables, lightly steam them. The vegetables will retain more nutrients and save you time because they cook faster.

Get Motivated to MOVE!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

If you have trouble motivating yourself to exercise, consider joining a walking or running group for support and friendship.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I love walking....and it's so good for you!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Walking is a great form of physical activity.
To get the most from your walk, change up your pace, walk up and down hills, walk in water or walk backwards. This will add variety and exercise different muscles.

How to Avoid Chronic Overeating?

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

If you have a regular time of day that
you overeat, schedule a vigorous workout at that time to counteract your cravings.

How to get Your Beta-Carotene?

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Zucchini and summer squash are filled with beta-carotene and vitamins in their skin.

Set Your Fitness Goals!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Research shows that people who set fitness goals are more likely to stick with their exercise routines and perform at higher levels than those who don't set goals.

True Forgiveness Sets the Stage!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

True forgiveness sets the stage for deeper relationships, helps prevent disagreements and improves your health.

Want to be Healthier?

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Studies show that forgiveness is good for the heart and soul. Keeping resentments against others can only have a negative effect on your health.

Want to be Healthier?

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Studies show that forgiveness is good for the heart and soul. Keeping resentments against others can only have a negative effect on your health.

Yea! Someone Who Agrees With Me!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

"I submit that scientists have not yet
explored the hidden possibilities of the innumerable seeds, leaves and fruits for giving the fullest possible nutrition to mankind." Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Yummy and Nutritious Snack!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

A simple, refreshing, nutritious cool treat is to freeze fresh blueberries or grapes and nibble on them while frozen.

Stressed Out? Try this!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

An easy way to reduce stress is to spend a few minutes writing about your feelings.
This has been shown to improve mood and lower stress.

High Blood Pressure? Try this!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Studies have shown that petting and
touching a pet reduces blood pressure
and helps people unwind.

Aching? Try this!

Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

Do you have tense muscles? Soak in a
warm bath with a couple of chamomile
tea bags for 20 minutes and notice
how your muscle tension is relieved.


Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

As people age, we lose flexibility
which makes us more prone to injury.
A regular stretching program will help
prevent common injuries and improve
overall flexibility.


Health Tip of the Day
"Getting Fit. . . One Step at a Time"

As people age, we lose flexibility
which makes us more prone to injury.
A regular stretching program will help
prevent common injuries and improve
overall flexibility.